Sept. 17, 2023


Ravens of Merry Green Land

After Nick Cave and PJ Harvey’s duet “Henry Lee” from Murder Ballads

By Ava C. Cipri

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Ravens of Merry Green Land

After Nick Cave and PJ Harvey’s duet “Henry Lee” from Murder Ballads

By Ava C. Cipri

I don’t know who I want

to be more,

Polly Jean or Nick

shoulder to shoulder

facing each other

finishing gestures,

melding into one.

Medium-length black hair

& pale skin

in white dress shirts,

black jackets, & pants.

PJ Harvey’s red nails pull

at her shirt’s lapels

& Cave

before they break in two,

she wails, You won’t find a girl in this damn world

That will compare with me

Nick joins, both swaying,

And the wind did howl and the wind did blow

La la la la la, la la la la lee

A little bird lit down on Henry Lee

I’m strung-out

four minutes in.

I want to be the space


their electric breath

between the longing

it’s dangerous, here.

Or, more, I want to be reborn

in this room, as theirs.

Anything is possible

& I want it all.

Harvey caresses

her throat, Lie there, lie there little Henry Lee

Till the flesh drops from your bones

They twirl into a green backlit waltz,

PJ’s green eyes echo,

For the girl you have in that merry green land

can wait forever for you to come home

I imagine the body of Lee

lily white at the well’s bottom.

Whatever the cost,

I want in: Together,

three glint-feathered ravens

culling a carcass.

Ava C. Cipri

Ava C. Cipri is a non-binary queer writer, educator, and activist who co-found The Deaf Poets Society: An Online Journal of Disability Literature & Art. A Pushcart, Best New Poets, and Best of the Net nominee, Ava has two chapbooks: Leaving the Burdened Ground (Stranded Oak Press) and Queen of Swords (dgp). A Zoeglossia fellow, they hold an MFA from Syracuse University and take Carlow University's Madwomen in the Attic Workshops running in the company of other Mads. Ava resides at 

Image description: A light skin femme-presenting person with a dark brown messy bob looks off to the left; they are lying on the floor close-lipped, chin resting on crossed arms in a black pleather zipper jacket.

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