Feb. 18, 2023



By Joel Dias-Porter

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By Joel Dias-Porter

(first published in his collection, Ideas of Improvisation (Thread Makes Blanket Press, 2022) 

may stir to wonder— 

what lavender thing 

could ruin love 

as much as the rasp 

of rain eroding? 

When you hear rasp 

you may think of rust, 

another shade of erosion 

related to rain. 

Do you still not grasp 

why Jalaluddin 

was among the Last Poets 

whose rusty beard 

faced arrest in every nation including rumination? 

As the last Harvest moon 

acquired a goatee of clouds, did you admit to loving 

any certain bruise, 

or did you begin 

to whisker a weak chin 

as if your own ruined beauty was an unwearable thing? 

Although you’ve never 

whispered it, wabi-sabi— 

Japanese for a reign of rust— seems a very Rumi word. 

When you first heard 

a lilac flamenca 

begin to flower, 

did you feel your faith 

as a blooming 

of the imagination? 

Did this sprouting 

incite or prevent 

a diction

to the long open you 

found in “bruise” 

or hint why that

so central to your faith 

ran quietly as a letter 

left out in the rain? 

Perhaps outside some window you misheard 

the whirling tune 

of windblown petals 


“Rein in violets” 

or even as they 

sought to whisk 

a thicker roux 

from a flower’s fat sorrow, perhaps either 

beards or bruises 

masqueraded as faith 

or masculinity 

or sought to rearrange 

into the music 

of fragrant purple blooms as if there was some chance the Rumi in you 

might soon hear 

how some become lovers of the sound of rain, 

but others simply lovers of the sound of ruin?

Image 2 of Joel Dias-Porter's poem

Joel Dias-Porter

Joel Dias-Porter (aka DJ Renegade) is originally from Pittsburgh, PA & resides in South Jersey. The 1998 & 1999 Haiku Slam Champion, his poems have been published in POETRY, Mead, Best American Poetry 2014, Callaloo, Asahi Shimbun, Antioch Review, Ploughshares, & the anthologies, Short Fuse, Role Call, Def Poetry Jam, 360 Degrees of Black Poetry, Slam (The Book), Poetry Nation, Beyond the Frontier, and Catch a Fire. A Cave Canem Fellow, in 1995 he  received the Furious Flower "Emerging Poet Award.” His collection “Ideas of Improvisation” is on Thread Makes Blanket Press (Jun 2022).

Image description: Photo features a large brown-skinned African-American man with a full white beard and wearing a black Steelers baseball cap and a black windbreaker. He is standing in front of a wall which contains spray painted grafitti. 

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